Reality Adjustments
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Mike Pence Successfully Completes Gay Conversion Therapy

Anti-gay advocate Mike Pence successfully completed his gay conversation therapy today.

“Fact: Gay conversion works,” said the newly reformed gay Vice President.  “If it worked on me, it can work on anyone.  Isn’t that right, Mother?”  [Note: Pence refers to his wife as Mother.]

His announcement has surprised nobody.  Pence...

Thank You - We Just Turned One Year Old

Thank you.

We told ourselves we’ll do this for one year.  To give it a go to see what happens.

Today we turn a year old 🎂.  Whoop whoop!  Dang, that was a lot of work.

It’s been rewarding, surprising, frustrating, shocking.  We get to see first hand how Internet trolls...

When We Say Socialism, We Mean Finland Not China

Why do people vote against their own interests?  Such as health care, a clean environment, and basic human rights?

The response usually goes â€śI love freedom not socialism!”

And here socialism means a state run totalitarian dictatorship, such as the former Soviet Union, Venezuela, Cuba, or China.

But that is not socialism.  Finland is...

Cyber Monday Is Coming For Your Wife!

It’s Cyber Monday.  The end of your world.  Apocalypse Now.

Cyber Monday is coming for your wife.  And it shall win.

It’s asking her to spend… quality time!

It’s asking her to throw away… old patterns!

It’s asking her to look for sales… on technical literature!

Wait!  What?  What...

White House Horse Dies Suddenly

A beloved white house horse suddenly died today, just a few moments after this photo was taken.

How did such a healthy young horse suddenly pass?  It’s a sad mystery indeed.

According to vets, the most common cause of sudden death in horses is a ruptured heart.  Perhaps it had an aneurysm in its aorta...

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