The Revolution Wishes You a Merry Christmas

Dec 23, 2018

Holiday Greetings from the Uprising.

We didn’t buy you a new drone or phone this Christmas.  As if we can buy our way out of this global debt.  

We didn’t sing carols or even wish you well.  We were in silence, listening, clearing out the noises within.

And only then could we toll that sleigh bell as we walked over fallen fences through the open field to the spot.

You've arrived at the garden.  Grab a shovel.  We’re digging holes this Christmas and filling them with your gift.

It will grow the deeper your roots go.  These seeds are for you.  This water and sunlight is for you.  It is you.

These plants have no political identity.  They have photosynthesis.  They are intelligent, we just haven’t learned their language, foolishly proclaiming with megaphones that words are the only way to hear.

Here here.  Here now.  Spring is coming after these important winter fallows.  Lay low.  The uprising wishes you many holiday blessings to clear house, do what’s right, and prepare for Springtime.

You are loved from above your head to down below your toes.