Marie Kondo Introduces “Cheat Day” to KonMari Method

Mar 31, 2019

De-cluttering guru Marie Kondo has applied a concept from the fitness world to her organizational method.

The Netflix host and author of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing” gained this new revelation from her personal fitness coach.

“After a tough round at the gym,” said Kondo, “I really wanted some tempura, except deep-fried foods are against my diet plan.  But then my trainer told me about cheat day…”

Cheating in a diet plan gives yourself planned permission to temporarily break strict diet rules.  By allowing yourself brief periods of indulgence, the theory is that you are more likely to stick to your diet.

“And this sparked joy!” said Kondo, glowing.  “So I added Cheat Day to my KonMari Method.  Every Saturday, once a week, I let things be cluttered.  I tossed used food on the table.  I stopped washing dishes.  I wore old sentimental clothes that don’t fit, which I wiped my greasy fingers over and over and OVER instead of a napkin!”

The cheat day became so joyful that she added a second cheat day on Wednesday.  And another on Monday.  After that she deliberately stopped counting.

“It’s an art of being,” summarized Kondo.  “When you can simply be, there is no more cheating. No more trying.  Because everything is in harmony with its proper dis-order.  I even started littering just because.  I'll just go to the beach and dump my garbage in the Genkai Sea.”

Inspired, we here at The Tilted Glass have implemented a new cheat day policy in our corporate headquarters.  Once a week, we allow our journalism to be completely made up instead of grounded in tediously boring fact checks and source citations.  We agree: the process has been completely transformative.

We look forward to more cheatin' words of wisdom coming from Mrs. Kondo.