2 Basic Principles on How to Raise Technology-Free, Technology-Savvy Children

May 08, 2019

No one cares more about your child's well-being and success than you. 

In today’s digital world, you must teach your children to be successful digital citizens so they can clock-in to future digital careers, and you must also keep technology away from them so it does’t rot their brains.

This is why we’ve created two simple principles to raising technology-free, technology-savvy children.

Principle #1: Don’t give them any technology!

No technology is proven to be the best way to prevent your kids from having some technology.

No phones, tablets, television, video games.  No screens.  Childhood is short.  Technology is addictive.  

Learn the value of imagination and community.

Listen to the deep wisdom of nature.

Give your children the gift of a technology free childhood today.

Principle #2: Teach your kids technology without technology

So your children won't fall behind in today's digital world, you must teach them technology at a very young age.

For bedtime reading, read them the Dummy Guides to Microsoft Office.  Instead of Harry Potter, buy them a book on coding IOS apps (be sure it's the latest: Version 13).

Invite real life systems architects over for family dinner to discuss their work.

Teach your kids how they can be influencers with real life hashtags.  Figure out what real life hashtags are.

Encourage your kids to make pretend startups out of their garage.

Create blockchain crypto-codes using real life blocks and chains.

The possibilities are endless.  But in conclusion, by keeping these two principles in mind, your child will come out of childhood with a unique perspective, one that few will have, and one that will be primed for financial and holistic success.

May the analogue force be with you. #reallifehashtags

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