Woman’s Instagram, Tinder Now 100% Identical

Feb 01, 2019

The Instagram and Tinder accounts of Jennifer Silver have successfully reached 100% fusion.

A single social media manger in her late 20s, Jennifer has converted her Instagram into a tightly-controlled dating portfolio.

It presents a visual collage of her activities, permitting the ability to receive expressions of interest through likes and comments.  These clicks sometimes reach “Instagram second base” by turning into private chats.

Jennifer carefully tracks these rudimentary statistics of likes, comments and Instagram Stories views.  She listens to the data and fine-tunes her posts to increase engagement.  Slowly and methodically, she has mastered the craft of drawing more suitors into obsessing over her pics, leading to more dates, and eventually: romance.

Her Tinder account has become the curation of Instagram’s most vetted posts.  She uses the statistics gained from Instagram to turn Tinder into a gallery of her most successfully engaged pictures and captions.

Last seen, Jennifer was out with a group of single girls, taking photos together, having quality girl time, and tweaking just the right filters over a glass of wine.